Quickly and easily generate OFAC Compliance Reports

OFAC Compliance Reporter and Query Tool
Use as an add-on to INSYTE
INSPECT works as a powerful add-on tool, to Response Technology’s INSYTE Reporting System, by checking names for compliance against the US Treasury’s OFAC, FinCEN, FSE and PLC databases.
For Banks using the Fiserv Premier Prime database, INSPECT will use the INSYTE reporting tool to generate a list of every name and company in the bank’s portfolios to compare against the four US Treasury’s data lists for matches and near-matches.

Use with any application that can produce a text file
INSPECT can also take a delimited text file from any other application and process it against these lists. Online updating of the OFAC, FinCEN, FSE and PLC lists are built into INSPECT. Subsequent comparisons can be limited to only the changes in these lists and your database.
In addition, INSPECT’s Inquiry mode can be used at the New Account and Wire desks to compare names from transactions against these government database lists. The Inquiry mode can be deployed to any personal computer in your Financial Institution.
INSPECT is available for purchase or included free with your INSYTE license.